Literature references

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The Curiosity (MSL) Notebook contains literature references to targets captured as part of the Mars Target Encyclopedia (MTE) project developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Machine Learning and Instrument Autonomy Group and funded by the Multimission Ground System and Services (MGSS) program and the Mars Science Laboratory project

The literature references were extracted automatically from ~5,920 abstracts published at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2014-2016. They were analyzed using a machine learning model to recognize elements, minerals, and ChemCam targets. Detected elements, minerals, and targets were further analyzed to determine whether a statement about the geochemical composition of the target was present. Manual review of the extracted relations ensures high quality. All relations are stored in the Mars Target Encyclopedia (MTE), which Analyst Notebook users can search to find what has been published about targets, elements, or minerals of interest. In future work, the MTE will expand to include information extracted from other venues and journal publications.

For more information, see Wagstaff et al. (2018) "Mars Target Encyclopedia: Rock and Soil Composition Extracted from the Literature".

Accessing literature references

Use the Target search function to locate targets with literature references. Once a target is selected, a link to references will appear on the target detail page menu.

Available information

The document lead author, year, title, and publication for each reference are included in the Notebook. Links to the source documents are included as well. The references are presented in multiple lists described below.

Mentions in literature

This list contains all identified references in bibliography form, both compositional references and simple mentions within the text.

Compositional references

Where identified, compositional references to elements and minerals are listed, including excerpts of the text.

see also